Live in each Season!

“Live in each season as it passes: breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

This is one of my favorite quotes ever, as a fellow New England’er and lover of words - how we choose to live in each season; the yearly seasons, the seasons of one’s life and then, the season that we are all in today. I know right now the information is coming in to our ears and minds faster then ever before. Information about the virus, information on what we should and should not be doing, information on proper hand washing and proper distancing, information on what “you” should do with your time and so on. “They” say, go outside (if you can), exercise, read a book, dream, meditate, make a plan, create something, organize a closet, or reduce what you have. These are honestly great ideas, but I want to say is Do what feels good to you. Reading more books, taking a class online, knitting a blanket, donating your time, trimming your backyard bushes and organizing your cabinets in kitchen (maybe you can donate all that food that is still good in your pantry once you re-organize & reduce!) are all great. BUT, this is your SEASON - what is it that makes your heart sing? What is it that you can sit on the floor and get lost in? Maybe its going through a box from your early years that reminds you of some early thoughts & dreams, or going through the family treasures that you haven’t figured out how to incorporate into your home (blend away - share your collective story) or maybe its just sitting because you never do this on a “regular” day.

Summer skies of beauty and love,

Autumn colors of courage and faith,

Winter storms of truth and justice, and

Spring time blossoms of hope and peace. . .

These are the teachings of the Seasons.

Words to me and writing deeply; even when someone can’t hear you - can still be shared out loud, on paper and yes, on social media. They can be heard in the heart of others and just maybe, as you listen to your heart - this Season will call to you and open up something new, alive and something bigger than all of us - love is what I call it.

Oh and by the way, you’ll find me on the floor - amongst the many greeting cards I’ve kept from my family & friends, that have spoken words to my heart. A season of creation is in front of you - what shall you do out of such love?

Whether you give a smile or a gift - its about connection!

Creativity Everyday - my goal for me & for you!