What to do with all those photos?

Here are my suggestions on how to process all those photos in a bag, a drawer or many boxes!!

  1. Choose & keep good quality photos of important family & friends, including special trips (get rid of unfocused/poor quality)

  2. Discard photos of unknown people or places right away (shred/trash)

  3. At this point, the chosen photos should be organized based on family, children, trips or years - your choice but decide now, so you you are consistent.

  4. Distribute duplicates or specific photos to your grown children or other family member (ask them first if they are interested & give them a time to pick up by or mail)

  5. Remove frames & old worn photo albums -donate unwanted frames in good condition or add a newly discovered photo into the frames and display.

  6. Oh, and do not keep ripped or very damaged photos!

  7. Can you re-tool kept photos into a keepsake item or framed in a collage format?

  8. The key is to move along fairly quickly - it’s super easy to get caught up in memory lane.

    REMEMBER to separate, and discard first, once you have put your collections into photo books or online digital photo books - now its time to reminiscence!

Namaste ~ Heidi

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